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    Kunststoff Information Verlagsgesellschaft mbH

    Saalburgstr. 157


    +49 6172 9606-0

    Secure and optimise your purchasing strategy The growing complexity of global markets is making life increasingly difficult for plastics buyers. In this reality, access to reliable, up-to-date information on the supply situation, readily available whenever required, has become indispensable. However, data gathered in expensive market studies is quickly out of date and offers no evaluation flexibility. In addition, individually procuring this information is not only very time-consuming, but also rarely complete. With Polyglobe, all plastics players are kept reliably and quickly informed of both the present and medium- to long-term capacity situation at all times. Online capacity database Polyglobe contains global information on plastics and feedstock producers, production facilities and capacities. It is updated daily by PIE’s editorial team and its network. Polyglobe offers optimum market transparency, including in cases of forces majeures and availability, and provides comprehensive statistics and forecasts. You can select and present all the information quickly and easily with precisely the amount of detail you need. In addition, further background information to many of the statistics is readily available to help you with your decision-making. ”Best in class” information – at prices everyone can afford Say goodbye to the days of procuring expensive studies and spending hours selecting and processing data: With Polyglobe you can obtain all the information you need at the click of a button – and at a sensationally low price!

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